where i've been...

on june 28 2024, 6:23 PM

its been a while huh?

sorry for the long absence i was fighting demons (my senior year of high school) but to catch u all up to speed:

  • i got a 93% on one of my finals
  • (after retaking it T_T) i finished math with a 85% average!! still waiting on my final grade but ill update this when i get it back
  • i turned eighteen 27 days ago as of writing this!!

  • a bunch of other stuff too!! but if ur wondering why ive been so inactive ive had a good amount of mental crises this year :,)

    they all mainly stemmed from a friendship falling out, a guy i knew for what would be around 4 years at this point suddenly seemed to start ignoring me for no reason, due to some mental issues i have this made me spiral so hard my mental state was at rock bottom for months straight ;; i started really neglecting myself. i had to retake math because i became too depressed to really care about math (also i had ALOT of brain fog at this time)

    eventually though, for my own sake, i blocked him some time in january

    theres alot more to this but it barely has anything to do with why i've been so inactive. just know that since then, i started focusing on schoolwork more and i made a new friend at this time who helped me stop being so sad all the time

    anyways im glad to be back, im trying to overcome my posting anxiety and work on this site again :D since it's summer so im planning on being especially active with all my free time!! ill probably uhhhhhh post my art fight attacks, i might also update my art gallery and make it function how i want it to!!

    on november 28 2023, 5:24 PM

    i think about this panel alot
    ever since i read this in like late march its changed my perspective on how i think when im not immediately good at something
    like maybe im not awful at this hobby maybe im just like a foal who needs to get used to standing on four legs to be able to walk!! i need to be used to doing the thing to be good at the thing
    i should really be considering this for the algebra im learning right now because ive been struggling so much but it feels like i havent gotten past the foal stage yet
    at least its a stage meaning i can get better with time, but i don't know if its too late we're already more than halfway through the course
    if i keep talking about math this is gonna become a really long paragraph about doing school while being neurodivergent but i think ill seriously save that for another blog entry i could talk about it for hours

    also i feel like i should call this place a journal and not a blog but it doesnt matter too much i dont think

    on july 4 2023, 8:34 PM

    first day of summer school did not go that well, i got a little lost T_T the schoolwork is so easy that i kinda regret enrolling since i passed math anyway, but i think itll still be worth it!! i wish i had more free time though, i wont be able to really rest this month :,(

    on june 16 2023, 2:48 PM

    long time no see, i turned 17 a couple weeks ago and it was alright!! i swear i didnt abandon this site ive just been super busy and somewhat burned out from my last semester ^^ im still a little busy (i have a test to redo in a few days and im doing summer school) but as soon as i have the time, ill add the parts of my site i swore i was gonna add a couple months back!!! ill be on the chatbox when i remember!!

    on april 16 2023, 4:24 PM

    hypixel bedwars is fun, i really like it. its a fun game mode and i normally play 4v4v4v4 but ive ran into a small problem
    i still dont know how to speedbridge.
    and maybe this isnt that much of a problem but i feel like i wont be able to win as many games without knowing how to do anything but slowbridging. so now im a little nervous to actively play again
    i havent really played much bedwars since i realized that i need to get better at the game, which leads me to still not being that good at the game because i dont really practice. ive realized that the best way to improve is by actually doing things so ill start playing more bedwars soon and just forget about trying to be the best player.
    still, i am working very hard (going on practice mode for like 5 minutes every other day) to learn to speedbridge though!! its already been a couple weeks or so but maybe one day i can complete the 20 block bridge
    p.s. if anyone wants to play bedwars with me pls let me know, i'm only around 12 stars but i can pvp decently

    on april 14 2023, 5:36 PM

    first blog entry!! ^o^ at the time of writing this i am adding my finishing touches for todays work and planning on going to the nearest gas station for snacks. then i will clean the kitchen. i don't think ill update this blog daily (my life isnt that interesting lol) but when something does happen ill put it in here!!